Abraxas Youth & Family Services

Building Better Futures

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Abraxas Youth & Family Services

Making A Difference in the Lives of Youth,
Adults & Families since 1973

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Abraxas Youth & Family Services

Treatment services for at-risk youth, adults and families

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Treatment services for at-risk youth, adults and families

Building Better Futures

Welcome to Abraxas

Abraxas began in Marienville, Pennsylvania with one site and 30 clients. Now, 50 years later, Abraxas Youth & Family Services is a national leader in the operation of community based and residential programming for at-risk youth, adults and families and operates 18 programs across five states

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7 Key Principals
  • People Security

    Meaningful Interaction

    We ensure team members provide supervision and direction through meaningful interaction, while maintaining a safe and trauma- informed treatment environment.

  • Program Security


    We maintain a high degree of structure and set clear expectations.

  • Accountability/Responsibility/High Expectations


    We set high expectations for personal accountability around one’s actions. We teach responsible thinking and pro-social behaviors which promote the development of new habits and skills.

  • Role Modeling

    Personal Standards

    We set standards for behavior and model the behaviors we teach.

  • Teamwork/Communication


    Through working together and keeping open lines of communication, we promote and establish supportive relationships through which growth and change can occur.

  • Dignity and Respect


    We are committed to sustaining a culture of awareness and belonging. We foster an environment which promotes fairness, understanding and acceptance through which meaningful change can occur.

  • Environment of Care


    We take pride in providing an environment conducive to treatment. By setting high expectations, we teach responsibility, respect for property and respect for oneself and others.

Helping people, helping families, helping the community

Our impact


Youth, Adults & Families

Through our community based and residential programs, Abraxas serves over 7,000 youth, adults and families each year. Our dedicated and caring staff pride themselves on their commitment to those entrusted to their care.


Hours of Service to the Community

Developing partnerships in the local community through which youth and staff give of their time and talent is a long standing staple of Abraxas programming. By giving more than 47,500 hours of service annually, youth become active members of their community, develop life skills and build competencies that will benefit them far beyond their time with Abraxas.


Percent of Youth Felt Prepared to Leave

Based on the Client Satisfaction Survey given to residents around the time of discharge, 99% reported they felt that Abraxas had prepared them to return to their home community and they were ready to leave.


Trauma Informed Care
Evidence Based Programming
Experiential Education
Adventure Programming
High School Diploma & GED Prep / Testing
Credit Recovery
Restitution Recovery
Community Service
Wellness Programming

Career & Technical Education
Family Engagement
Animal Empathy Programming
Transitional Services
Art & Music
Off-grounds employment
College & Career Exploration

#MyAbraxasStory by Michael Crowley

My Time at Abraxas I...

Sisyphus, a figure in Greek mythology who plays a central role at Abraxas is something that has always stuck with me. He is tasked with pushing a huge boulder up a mountain everyday only to have to start anew the next. Whether it be drug addiction, addiction to money or street life, or just the everyday highs and lows of real life, we will all have to push our rock. Abraxas taught me that life is hard enough, and that your actions and ways of thinking are the only thing you are completely in control of. This is a lesson we should all know. Whether you are a client, a parent or a PO reading this, I’d like you to know that my nine months at Abraxas saved my life...

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