Serving the Local Community

January 23rd, 2020

Abraxas LDP provides residents with on-going opportunities for community service work at South Mountain Restoration Center.

LDP staff consistently receive great feedback from youth about this opportunity, reporting this is a meaningful experience for them and one they really enjoy. One of our young ladies at LDP recently reflected on her experience.

"My experience volunteering at South Mountain Restoration Center (SMRC) has been absolutely amazing. I’ve had a chance to work with elderly groups of people who are talented, sweet, amazing, kind, beautiful, and truly great. There has been times when I would feel completely down but once I stepped foot in SMRC’s front lobby, my whole mood turned around and I became happy. The residents made me feel more happy than ever, they’re like aunts/uncles to me. I’ve had a chance to help staff with Christmas packing, church service, girl’s group, and plenty more. All of those things have brought so much joy into my life and have made me feel so much better. Working with the residents has helped me jump out of my comfort zone and has also given me a chance to do something I never thought I’d be able to do. SMRC is a true blessing and a really great experience and I’d recommend it to anyone any day. I’m truly grateful to have met all residents/staff at SMRC that I did and they are all amazing people."